(208) 385-7711

Supplement of the Week: Steatoclear by Functional Medicine Foundations

by FMI Wellness

Heart Disease is one of the number causes of death in America. With it being the month of the heart its time to talk about some botanicals that can support one of our strongest muscles in our body, the heart. There are many factors that contribute to heart disease and one of them being high cholesterol. For healthy cholesterol levels we need to do things that help support our liver. The liver produces cholesterol and helps remove our bad cholesterol. Steatoclear is a great blend of botanicals to help support this process thus helping to support a healthy heart!

Steatoclear by Functional Medicine Foundations is a beautiful blend of herbals that may help with optimizing fat metabolism as well as supporting fatty acid processing in the liver.

  • Bergamot Extract contains compounds that may help inhibit cholesterol synthesis by targeting key enzymes.
  • Artichoke Leaf Extract has a bitter compound, cynaropicrin, which boosts bile production-helping your body eliminate excess cholesterol.
  • Aged Black Garlic has studies that found that compounds in aged black garlic can inhibit cholesterol synthesis by 40-60%!

Ready to Try It?
Visit our online store to purchase Steatoclear today!

Need Guidance?
Unsure if this supplement is right for you? Book a consultation with one of our supplement experts or providers to find the best fit for your health goals.
Contact us here or call us (208) 385-7711 ext. 302.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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