(208) 385-7711

Boise Breast Thermography

by Functional Medicine of Idaho

Breast Thermography is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses infrared cameras to detect and analyze the heat patterns emitted by the breasts. It is often used as a screening tool to identify areas of abnormal heat that may be indicative of breast health concerns.

Women who undergo regular breast screening have a higher chance of detecting health issues at an early stage, which can lead to better treatment options and outcomes. Early screening can help women also be empowered to make informed decisions about their health, which is why we are so proud to offer Breast Thermography at our Boise clinic! This early detection can give women the opportunity to take proactive measures to address potential health issues before they become more serious. Additionally, thermography can provide valuable information about breast health that can complement other imaging techniques.⁣⁣ Our trained therapists use the latest thermal imaging technology to provide ladies with the highest quality Breast Thermography scans. The results are analyzed by an experienced team who provide a comprehensive report, along with recommended follow-up care, if necessary.⁣

What is Breast Thermography?

Breast Cancer Screening is an important part of a woman’s wellness program. We use Breast Thermography to help detect early signs of breast tissue abnormalities. Breast Thermography is:

  • Painless
  • Radiation and Compression Free
  • FDA approved as an adjunct to mammography
  • Can detect breast tissue abnormalities up to eight years before a mammogram

    Advantages of Breast Thermography
  • Does not compress or touch breast tissue.
  • Is safe, easy, pain free, and radiation free.
  • Detects changes in breast tissue that accompany abnormalities.
  • Images the entire breast area, including in the upper chest and underarm regions.
  • Differentiates between fibrocystic breast disease and masses with a risk of malignancy.
  • Safely screens breasts with implants and dense breast tissue.
  • Evaluates the post-mastectomy chest wall.
  • Is safe and reliable for nursing mothers.
  • Gives opportunity for early intervention.

Who should have a Thermogram?

Any woman desiring a risk-free, painless procedure, to screen for breast cancer is a candidate for Thermography.

What does Breast Thermography show?

Blood flow to the breast (and the rest of the body) is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). When the body is cold, the autonomic nervous system constricts the blood vessels. Abnormal and cancerous tissues operate outside the autonomic nervous system, creating chemicals that dilate the blood vessels and completely bypass the autonomic nervous system. So when the hands are placed in cold water to cool the body, the autonomic nervous system normally constricts vessels everywhere, including the breasts. But the cancer and pre-cancer regions don’t constrict and show up as “hot spots” in the thermogram. These “hot spots” can be predictive of current and future areas of concern.

Can a Thermogram diagnose breast cancer?

Breast Thermography visually portrays physiologic changes in the breast tissue that correlate with cancer. Thermography shows earliest detection of abnormal heat patterns, which can be detectable to 8 years earlier than a standard Mammogram’s abnormalities. Breast cancer can only be diagnosed by microscopic examination of tissue by a pathologist. Although thermography can show patterns suggestive of possible cancer, thermography cannot diagnose cancer.

Are you at risk?

We recommend that women having one or more of the risk factors listed below get an annual Thermogram. The American Cancer Society says women are at risk for breast cancer if they:

  • Are obese
  • Began menstruating before age 12
  • Have not had children
  • Had their first child after 30 years old
  • Stopped menstruating after age 50 years old
  • Have a personal history of radiation exposure to the chest
  • Have recently taken hormone replacement therapy for longer than five years.
  • If you are currently taking hormone replacement therapy, please consult with your provider.

Studies on Mammography:

  • Breast cancer screening study prompts Ontario to spend $25 million to replace mammography technology: Read the Study
  • Routine Mammography May Lead to Overdiagnosis: Read the Study
  • Busted! 8 mammogram truths every woman must know. Read the Article

What is the cost of Thermography?:

  • A 50 minute Thermography appointment is $225.00
  • For a stat reading, there is an additional $75 fee
  • Payment is made at the time of calling 208-314-1130 for an appointment

What to expect during an appointment:

The technician takes the images in a relaxed, private setting. The first three breast images are taken after the patient disrobes above the waist and acclimates to the room temperature for ten minutes. The patient holds her arms over her head and away from the heart, facing three different angles. A second set of identical images are taken after the hands are submerged in very cold water to lower body temperature. This creates contrast in the images. The images are sent off to a lab specializing in thermographic cancer detection and evaluated. The evaluations are then returned to your doctor.

Preparation instructions for a Breast Thermography screening:

• Wait at least three (3) months after breast surgery, including any biopsies and completing chemotherapy or radiation before a thermography screening.

• Avoid any natural or artificial tanning of your chest for two-three (2-3) days prior to the screening.

• You must not have had any fever within thirty-six (36) hours of your thermography.

• Avoid ultrasound, mammogram, breast stimulation and clinical physical examination of the breasts for at least three (3) days prior to screening.

• Make sure there are no bruises, rashes, or skin irritation in the breast area on the day of the study.

• No hot yoga, sauna, steam-room or hot/cold packs in contact with the breasts for at least twenty-four (24) hours.

• With your doctor’s permission, avoid use of the following medications for twelve (12) hours prior to the examination: Nitroglycerin, Niacin, Niacin patch, or any migraine medications (500milligrams or more)

• No exercise, bathing, or showering for one hour prior to your thermography.

• No deodorants, creams, powders or lotions that may cause an inflammation in the breast area on the day of your screening. You can bring them with you and apply after your therm.

• Don’t smoke or drink caffeinated beverages or products for two (2) hours prior to your screening. This includes energy drinks/shots.

• If you currently are using a nicotine patch or any gum containing nicotine please call our office for further instructions.

• If you are exposed to outside environmental extremes, such as very cold or warm temperatures, we will ask you to acclimate to room temperature for about fifteen to twenty (15-20 minutes) before your screening.

• Breastfeeding? Please empty your breasts thirty to sixty (30-60) minutes before your appointment.

• Please refrain from bringing in any beverages with you on the date of your appointment.

• Wait three (3) weeks after a laser hair removal treatment, for under the arms, before you have thermography.

Call 208-314-1130 to schedule a Breast Thermography Appt!

Boise Thermography Location:

Functional Medicine of Idaho
3858 N. Garden Center Way, Suite 100
Boise, Idaho 83703

Learn More: www.boisetherm.com

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