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Tired of Being Tired?

by Functional Medicine of Idaho

Are you among the 35% of Americans who struggle to get enough sleep? Sleep problems can have a serious impact on your health, and hormones might be playing a significant role. Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various body functions, including appetite, sexual function, body temperature, and sleep-wake cycles. When you don’t get enough quality sleep, it can lead to hormone imbalance and further disrupt your sleep.

Let’s explore 5 hormones directly related to sleep:

MELATONIN: Known as “the sleep hormone,” melatonin is produced inside your pineal gland and closely associated with your sleep-wake cycle. Disrupted sleep or insufficient rest can lead to reduced melatonin production, impacting your natural circadian rhythms.

TESTOSTERONE: Surprisingly, testosterone isn’t just about sexual function—it also affects your sleep. Fluctuating throughout the day, testosterone levels peak during REM sleep. Lack of quality sleep can lead to lower testosterone levels.

ESTROGEN: Present in both men and women, estrogen plays a crucial role in the menstrual cycle for women. Hormonal fluctuations during ovulation and menstruation can cause sleep disturbances. Pregnancy and menopause also affect estrogen levels, potentially disrupting sleep patterns.

PROGESTERONE: Linked with fertility and pregnancy, progesterone’s fluctuation during these stages can negatively impact your sleep cycle.

CORTISOL: Often called “the stress hormone,” cortisol affects not only stress management but also helps maintain a regular sleep pattern. Cortisol levels rise upon waking and decrease before bedtime, enabling you to feel energized and ready for the day.

An imbalance in any of these hormones can lead to a vicious cycle of tiredness and poor sleep quality.

To improve your sleep quality, consider these tips:

  • Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
  • Avoid electronics before bedtime.
  • Keep devices out of the bedroom.
  • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
  • Keep your bedroom thermostat between 60-68 degrees.
  • Establish a relaxing bedtime routine.

If sleep troubles persist, consider getting guidance from a medical professional who understands hormonal imbalance and sleep issues. Hormone experts can help you explore safe and effective treatment options. To take steps towards better sleep and overall health, click here.

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