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What is Inflammation?

by Functional Medicine of Idaho

Inflammation occurs naturally as part of your body’s immune response. When your body experiences an “insult,” like an injury, an invading chemical, or a foreign microbe, it sends inflammatory cells to the rescue, which may cause redness, swelling, or even pain. This is natural and normal. ⁠

Problems can arise, however, when these insults become prolonged and your body is continuously stimulated to produce inflammation.⁠

This chronic inflammation means your body constantly in a state of high alert and it can wreak havoc on your system. Ongoing stimulus, like stress, chronic infections, a highly processed diet, high sugar consumption, poor digestive health, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, exposure to toxins, and lack of sleep, can trigger major health concerns.⁠

The good news is that your inflammation levels are somewhat in your control. Diet and lifestyle factors play a huge role in increasing your risk of inflammation. ⁠

Some experts say you can fight inflammation with a healthy diet:⁠

• Eat high-quality, dietary fats like cold-water fish, avocados, free-range egg yolks, and extra virgin olive oil⁠

• Eat colorful fruits and non-starchy vegetables that are high in phytonutrients and antioxidants⁠

• Maintain lower and consistent insulin levels⁠

• Reduce your consumption of processed foods and sugar⁠

• Identify and reduce any food triggers ⁠

• Take medication for chronic pain only when necessary

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