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Food as Medicine

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Medicine Mushrooms Food as Medicine Functional Nutrition Medicinal Benefits

Medicinal Mushrooms 101

Medicinal mushrooms are a natural remedy that spans across many centuries and various cultures. There are few natural remedy substances that rival the potency and versatility of medicinal mushrooms. In this comprehensive guide to medicinal mushrooms, we’ll explore their fascinating history, key benefits, and practical tips for incorporating them into

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Person with Flu

Prepping For Flu Season

Flu season is fast approaching, and we wanted to share our functional approach to staying healthy into this fall and winter. As practitioners who look at the whole picture of a person’s health, we believe that diet, lifestyle and supplement protocols can be utilized to create the first line of

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The Truth About Seed Oils

Ditch the inflammation and switch to healthier oils! Seed oils, which are commonly used in many households, can be highly inflammatory due to their processing methods that involve high heat, solvents, and chemicals. Seed oils we recommend limiting or staying away from include: Corn, Safflower, Sunflower, Vegetable, Canola, Rapeseed, and

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Eating Hygiene

Eating Hygiene

By Marianne Green, RD, Functional Nutritionist Eating Hygiene. Have you heard this term? Most people think of the definition in terms of the conditions and measures to ensure the safety of food from production to consumption. Here at FMI, the term eating hygiene is used in terms of  “the method

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non GMO vs Organic

Non-GMO Vs. Organic

The USDA Organic seal and the Non-GMO Project seal are prevalent on many food labels, but what exactly do they mean and what is the difference? We’ve outlined the differences below, so that you’ll have more clarity the next time you go grocery shopping. Let’s start with GMOs. The Non-GMO

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Optimizing Vitamin D Levels Throughout Winter

The days are becoming darker and shorter as winter approaches, limiting the availability of sunlight and natural vitamin D.  Maintaining optimal vitamin D levels through sunlight, food and supplements is key to bone health and minimizes deficiency symptoms like fatigue, muscle weakness, frequent sickness, and depression. Because only a handful

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Fighting Disease with Broccoli Sprouts

Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Bok choy, arugula, brussels sprouts, collards, watercress and radishes) are high in sulforaphane, a powerful, disease-fighting phytochemical that provides many positive effects on the body. It assists in the detox process by fighting free radicals (unstable atoms that cause damage in the body and

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Optimizing The First 1,000 Days of Life

“The first 1000 days of life are instrumental for clinical destiny.” -Alessio Fasano, MD, and Chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Mass General Hospital in Boston Dr. Fasano, a world-renowned pediatric gastroenterologist, pioneered the thought process behind leaky gut and resulting health conditions that develop later in life. His

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Meal Prepping 101

Meal prepping is key to creating nutritious and healthy food without sacrificing time, nutrients or money. Our lives are busy and finding time to shop, prep, and cook can be exhausting. Effective meal prepping depends on how organized you are and how it fits with your lifestyle and eating habits.

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