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Leaky Gut

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The Root Cause of Leaky Gut

The Healthy Gut Just as your skin forms a barrier to the world outside of your body, your gut forms a barrier inside your body. The surface area of your gut is 200 times larger than your skin. Laid out flat, your intestines would cover an entire tennis court. To

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Exploring Gut Health & Root Cause Medicine with Amber Warren, PA-C

Amber Warren, PA-C, one of our Adult Functional Medicine providers and part owner of Functional Medicine of Idaho, spoke with Arn Allemand of the Living Greater Podcast. She discusses how Functional Medicine of Idaho is revolutionizing the healthcare game by offering functional medicine from conception throughout life to our Treasure

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Optimizing The First 1,000 Days of Life

“The first 1000 days of life are instrumental for clinical destiny.” -Alessio Fasano, MD, and Chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Mass General Hospital in Boston Dr. Fasano, a world-renowned pediatric gastroenterologist, pioneered the thought process behind leaky gut and resulting health conditions that develop later in life. His

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